Future Kemah Museum and Visitors Center - Page 3 - (8-26-'05 to 11-01-'05)

Article about School #1

Article about School #2

Pictures of old School

August 26, 2005  -  Starting Phase - 3 - Replacing missing and damaged cedar ship lap (siding)

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Charles Kelly and a helper replace missing and damaged siding while removing two doors from the back and one door from the side of the building that had been added by previous owners. Notice that five windows will now be on the far side and four will be on the near side as in the original school.   

Siding is being replaced on the East side of the building.  Later a door and steps will be cut in so this end will look just as it did in the old pictures.

Siding is being replaced on the front of the structure also.  Notice that the picture window on the left that was added by previous owners is being covered over to make the front of the structure as it was.  The picture window on the right will be also covered over.


September 9, 2005 - The next 3 pictures show the completion of the siding that we had money for and the primer painting of that siding. When we get more money from the city we will replace the windows that are missing also.

This is the front and East side showing the replaced siding.  Notice that the former picture window has been framed and filled in with siding. The front porch will also have to be restored to its original.

This is the West and front view. The area between the two windows will have to be framed and filled in. Also a door will have to be added to the West side. We have learned that the building will have to be moved on the lot again also. Until more money is allocated to do these things and to have an architect lay out the setting of the building in it's new location we are at a standstill. 



November 1, 2005 - Rear view of school showing the paintings by Artist Stout. Notice that all the windows have not been installed.

The front of the school. The entrance will have to be rebuilt the way the original entrance was built. All of this will have to wait for more funds.

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NEW After Ike damage

Two Articles about the school - Article #1 - Article #2

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