Future Kemah Museum and Visitors Center - Page 4 - (8-16-'06 to 12-29-'06)

Article about School #1

Article about School #2

Pictures of old School

April15, 2006  -  Phase - 4 - Main Restoration - After School was again moved (to the opposite corner of the lot) The building is being restored back to as close to original as possible using as much of the original material as possible and matching replacement material to the old original wherever possible.

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April 15, 2006 - Rear view of school after it was moved to it's new permanent location at the northeast corner of the parking lot.  School must be leveled and lowered into place and fastened down.

This is the architect's plans for the final school site.  Work will proceed as funds become available.

Front view of school with board members Ed Linck and Pepper Coffey.  Ed Linck has supervised the work on the school.  Without his help and guidance this would not have been possible.  Without Pepper's fund raising we would not have had enough money to be where we are.

The school has been leveled and brought to the correct elevation for flood insurance and anchored to it's permanent foundation. (Looking Northwest at front of school) (This is the site of the old Kemah City Hall)

Rear of school (looking North) The dirt that is in piles will be used for landscaping and to bring the land up to grade.  The handicapped entrance will be on the opposite end of the building.

A view of the school from the middle of 6th and Bradford (looking Southwest). Notice that the fence is a replica of the fence that surrounded the school in pre 20's pictures of the school.

August 16, '06 - Ed Link stands on the new steps to the school.  He is holding the architect's plans.  Ed is a Board Member of the Kemah Historical Society and in charge of restoring the school.

Interior shot of the school.  The old flooring has been removed and new sub-flooring has been installed.  Later the old flooring will be put back, thus preserving the original floor.

Ed Link discusses the plans with Nolan Kelly.  Kelly has been working on the project from it's inception.  He has to do the work as money becomes available.  Without the dedication of these men the project would not be possible.

Oct. 20, '06 - This is a front shot of the School showing the replica porch and steps. Notice the new roof and fascia. The handicapped entrance and ramp will be on the left side of the building.

This is a rear shot showing the updated electrical boxes and wiring. Notice that a slab was poured under the building.

This is a close up of the new porch. See how close it matches the original

Oct. 24, 06 - The flag pole is up.

This is an interior shot looking NW. On the left is cabinet space with the bathroom behind it.  On the right is a closet and in between will be a counter and office space.

Looking SE are two storage areas for tables and chairs and on the right will be the handicapped entrance.  Notice the old original flooring that will be installed later.

December 29, 06 - this is a good view of the handicapped ramp and the landscaping that is in progress.  You can also see the new handrails on the now completed porch.  Grass sod is being laid down.

The new doors and transom are installed and the ground around the school has been leveled.  This shot is looking Southwest.

This shot is looking South.  You can see the new porch from this angle.  Notice the decorative plants that are being installed by the landscaping company.

April 24, 07 - Landscaping is almost completed. The handicapped ramp is also complete.

This is the rear walk.  The public restrooms are up the walk and to the right.

At last!  All the original windows are in.  You can see the handicapped ramp from the rear.

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