Kemah Museum and Visitors Center Now Open

Article about School #1

Article about School #2

Pictures of old School

October 4, 2007 - Primary restoration complete.  The building will now get a fresh coat of paint for the Dedication. 

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New sign in front of restored School

Looking West - Flag pole in front and wheelchair ramp on left.

Looking Northeast - Rear of school.  Wheelchair ramp on right, Public restroom on left.

Looking East - Left rear of School.  Public rest room on right.

Looking Southeast - The front entrance

Looking South - This will be where the museum will be housed.  Notice the old floor that was saved during restoration.

Looking North - The Kemah Visitors Center on this end of the building.

Early Kemah Family examines early photographs of Kemah.  Left to Right - Linda Kipp, daughter of Mrs. Rowena Kipp -   Becky Parrot, Daughter of Mrs. Rowena Kipp - Mrs. Rowena Kipp, wife of Everette Sterling Kipp, son of John Henry Kipp

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Two Articles about the school - Article #1 - Article #2

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